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VCHS Course of Study Offered

Updates are currently being made to the course of study for 2023/2024

2020/2021 Courses Offered @ VCHS


Vinton County

High School

Course of Study



Academic Requirements 


Earning a Diploma

For the Class of 2021, a diploma shall be awarded to students meeting the curriculum credit requirements of the school districand achieve one of the following:

1.   Earn at least 18 points on seven end-of-course state testsEach tesscore earns you up to five graduation pointsYou must have a minimum of four pointin math, four points in Englisand six points acrossciencand sociastudies.

2.    Earn a minimum of 12 points by receiving a State Board of Education-approved, industry-recognized

credential or group of credentials in a single career field and earn the required score on WorkKeys, a work- readiness test. The state oOhio will pay one time for you to take the WorkKeys test.

      3.   Earn remediation-free scores in mathematics and English languagarts on either the ACT or SAT.

The curriculum credit requirements for Graduation from Vinton County Local School District are as follows:

Subject                                                                 Credits

English                                                                                                                                        4.0

Math                                                                                                                                            4.0

Social Studies                                                                                                                               3.0

Science                                                                                                                                        3.0

Fine Arts (7-12)                                                                                                 1.0 (two semesters)

PhysicaEducation                                                                                                                      0.5

Health                                                                                                                                         0.5

Electives (must include a Personal Finance)                                                                                5.0

Guidelines for earning credits:

Total: 21 credits

1.   Math

Must include one unit of algebra II or the equivalent of algebra II.

2.   PhysicaEducation

Students who participate in interscholastic athletics, marching band, or cheerleading for two full seasons may submit a PE waiveto exclude this from their coursload. However, students that

submit a PE waivemustake another course of equal or greater credit value.

3.   Science

Must include one unit of physicascience, one unit of life science and one unit of advancestudy in one omore of the following scienceschemistry, physics or other physicascience; advanced

biology or other life scienceastronomy, physicageology or other earth or space science.

4.   Social Studies

Must include American history, American government, and world history.

5.   Electives

Must include one unit of personal finance. Other elective units must include one or any combination of world language, finarts, businesscareer-technicaeducation, family and consumer sciences,

technology, agriculturaeducation or English language arts, mathematics, science or sociastudies courses not otherwise required.

Graduation Requirements beyond Credit and State Testing:

All students must receive instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of aautomated external defibrillator from an approvesource during Grades 9-12, unless the student is exempted from such training due to disability or by written request of the parent.

Students who achievaindustrcredential or license tharequires an examination shall not be required to takadditional technicaassessmentsIthe student does not participate in licensure or license examination,

the student shall take the applicable technicaassessments. Students must attaispecified scores on assessmentas required to demonstrate workforce readiness on a nationally recognized job skillassessment

in order to obtain a diploma.

Certain students are not required to take the collegand career readiness assessments administered to all eleventh

(11th) grade students:

1.   students who demonstrate they are remediation-free on the English, math and reading on nationally- recognized assessments prior to the administration othe college and career readinesassessments;

2.   students with significant cognitive disabilities who take aalternative assessment and students with intellectuadisabilities outlined in state guidance, and

3.   Limited English proficient students enrolled in United States schools for lesthan two years for whom nappropriate accommodations are available.

Earning a Diploma with Academic Honors

The Diploma with Honorwill be awarded to any student who successfully completes the higschool CP curriculum, earns 18 points through EOY exams (or tests college-ready on the ACT), and meets all but one of the following requirements, unless it is a minimum graduation requirement:

The student who completes the College PreparatorCurriculum in higschool shall meet at least all but one criterion:

1.   Earn four (4) units of English

2.   Earn four (4) units of Mathematics, including Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry or equivalent and another

higher level course or a four-yeasequence of courses that contain equivalent content

3.   Earn four (4) units of Science including physics and chemistry

4.   Earn four (4) units of Social Studies (including an honors course)

5.   Earn either three (3) units of one (1) foreign language or two (2) units each of two (2) foreign languages.

6.   Earn 1 unit of Fine Arts

7.   Maintain an overall high school grade-point average of at least 3.5 grade point average (4 point scale) up to

the last grading period of the senior year

8.   Obtain a composite score of 27 on the ACT, or an equivalent composite 1210 on the SAT

Honors Diploma tracts exisfor Career Technical Programs, STEMArtand Social Sciences. Istudentwant to be eligible to valedictorian or salutatorian, required documentation for these options must be turned in by the end of

the firssemester of their senior year.


Excellence in academics and scholarship is a goal of the Vinton County High School. Wwish to challenge all students to theimaximum potential. The followinguidelines govern how students earn the honor of being named

valedictorian or salutatorian:

1.   Diploma

Must be able to obtain an Honors Diploma per the guidelines established by the Ohio Department of Education. These guidelinewill be delivered to students each year and are available on the ODE


2.   Course Load

Must carry no fewer than six (6) credited classes per semester (College Credit Plus classes of 3 semester houromore will count as a yearlong class).

3.   CCourses

During the four-year period, mustake a total of 20 College Prep/Honors/AP credits that must

include aleast one AP course.

4.   CCCourses

Courses taken through College Credit Plus may be submitted for consideration as College Prep courses with the submission of a syllabus to administration to determine alignment to the Vinton

County High School College Prep course standards.

5.   Online Coursework

The use of online coursework for the purpose of fulfilling the College Prep requirement will be prohibited.

6.   Grade Point Average

G.P.Awill be figured to the highest cumulative average to two places right of the decimal point

(hundredth value) with no rounding athe end of the second grading period othe senior year.

7.   Enrollment

In order to be considered for Valedictorian/Salutatorian, a student must have attendeVinton

County LocaSchools for at leasfive grading periods prior to the end of the second grading period

of the senior yea(at least by the beginning of 2nd grading period of the junior year).

8.   Guidance Meeting

All students who are eligible for Valedictorian and Salutatoriashould set up a meeting with guidance athe beginning of each year as welaafter the firssemester of the senior yeato ensure that they are in compliancwith all requirements for Valedictorian/Salutatorian. At each meeting they will be required to provide a signaturas a means of affirming that they attended a meeting.

Students will be given the requirements for Valedictorian and Salutatorian on a yearly basis. Iis the

student’s responsibility to ensure they have satisfied all guidelines.

Registration Rules

When students are registering for classes, they must refer to their graduation plan. The goal of Vinton County Schools is to make sure thastudents are on a path towards successand we provide many options so each student can find success within their interests and skills. Students will be given the opportunity to select electives their fit their interests and graduation plan. Part of this path to success includes core classes that are required by every student. Ithere is a conflict in the student’s schedule between a desired elective and a core class, the core class will take precedent. This is to ensure that each students has a strong foundation of knowledge and skills entering their chosen post-secondary plans. Here are our guidelines for registering for classes with Vinton County High School:

1.   Student Course Load

There are seven (7) available academic periods.  Students are required to have courses in six (6) of those periods each semester. The only students that can have 5 courscredits per semester (the minimum) are thosenrolled in Career Connections.

2.   Advisory & Study Halls

Advisoris a one-hour monitored study hall where students will work on homework, projects, missing assignments, and study for upcoming assessments. This time will also be used to address student needs that cannot be easily met in other academic classes, i.e. social emotional learning, digital citizenship, extra end-of-course exam support, etc. Advisory is a graded class. Students will be

 gra ded  using  the  “ pupil  e va lua tion”  g uidel ine s.  Bec ause  e a ch  student  w ill  h ave a  structured  time  to

study in theischedulestudents are allowed onlone study hall in their schedule with permission.

3.   Change of Schedule

Students have one week (5 days in session) into the school year to choose to drop or add classes before it is a withdrawal/failure (W/F). These changes must be brought to the office with a legitimate reason.

4.   Credit by Exam/Credit Flex

Students who are interested in completing a courscredit by exam must inform the officwithin the within the first week of school (5 days in session).

5.   CollegAthleticEligibilitRules

Students planning on playing Division I or II must complete the college prep classes required by the NCAA.  Also, college prep classes for the NAI(NationaAssociation of IntercollegiatAthleticsare recommended. Check the NCAA/NAIA websites for requirements.


All students enrolled in Vinton County High School will decide to follow on othe following programs of study in their graduation plan:

1.   College Preparatory (CPProgram

Prepares students to enter directly into any collegor university after graduation. The college prep course of study builds knowledge and skills needed to succeed in life in required general courses, program specific topics, and life on their own. Students will use their graduation plan to determine what electives will best serve their success in these areas.

2.   General Studies Program

Prepares students to enter directly into the workforce or adult education program. The career studies course of study builds knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the line of work they plan to enter after graduation and life on their own. Students will use their graduation plan to determine what electives will best serve their success in these areas.

3.   Buckeye Hills Career-Technical Program

Prepares students to enter directly into the workforce or adult education program. The career studies course of study builds knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the line of work they plan to enter after graduation and life on their own. Students will use their graduation plato determine what electives will besserve their success in these areasThe majority of these programs are fulfilleaBuckeye Hills Career Center during the student’s junior and senior year.

*Any credits earned in middle school towards graduation will be considered before scheduling in program of study*

College Preparatory (CP) Program

9th Grade

10th Grade

11th Grade

12th Grade

English I CP Algebra ICBiology I CWorld HistorCForeign Language

PhysicaEducation* Focused Electives+

EnglisICP GeometrCPhys SciencCP

American HistorCForeign Language Health/PE*

Focused Electives+

EnglisIII CP Pre-calculus Chemistry I/Bio II US Government CP Foreign Language Focused Electives+

English IV CP AP Calculus Chemistry II/Physics Foreign Language Focused Electives+

*A PE waivecacompleted to fulfill coursrequirement. See graduation requirements for details.

+Fine Arts/Personal Finance will be counted towards graduation requirements. See graduation requirementfor details.

Each student will have a graduation plan they will use to identify a CP elective path they want to followThese students will then use that plan to fill their available electives. It is still recommended to take CP-levecourses

outside of their concentration because every university has general requirements outside primary fields ostudyIf you alreadknow the universities you are targeting, look up their generaeducation requirements to help you pick electives.

General Studies Program

9th Grade

10th Grade

11th Grade

12th Grade

English I

Algebra I Biology I World History Health/PE*

Career-Focused Electives+


GeometrPhys Science American HistorPE*

Career-Focused Electives+


Algebra II

Env Sci/Astro/Ag Sci US Government Career-Focused Electives+


Coll. Math/Math Per. Fin. Env Sci/Astro/Ag Sci Career-Focused Electives+

*A PE waivecacompleted to fulfill coursrequirement. See graduation requirements for details.

+Fine Arts/Personal Finance will be counted towards graduation requirements. See graduation requirementfor details.

Each student will have a graduation plan they will use to identify a career-focused electivpath they wanto follow. These students will then use that plan to fill their available electivesThese classes are builto focus on the skills

needed to succeed entering the workforce or any adult education program following graduation. Students will have the opportunity to sign up for a Career Connections course their senior yeatassist in the transition to reaworld expectationsTherare also “Senior-Only” career-tech programs available through Buckeye Hills aVCHS that students can enroll in for their senior year. This would be your career-focused electives for your senior year.

Buckeye Hills Career Technical Program

9th Grade

10th Grade

11th Grade

12th Grade

English I

Algebra I Biology I^ World History Health/PE*

Career-Focused Electives+


GeometrPhys Science American HistorPE*

Career-Focused Electives+

Enroll in Buckeye Hills


Enroll in Buckeye Hills


*A PE waivecacompleted to fulfill coursrequirement. See graduation requirements for details.

+Fine Arts/Personal Finance will be counted towards graduation requirements. See graduation requirementfor details.

^Biology is required foAllied Health

This prograis designed to develop a specific set oskills needed for success in the students’ chosen career paths.

Career-TecPathways by Location

Vinton CountHigh School

Buckeye Hills Career Center

ü Agricultural Business

ü Business & Administrative Services

ü Cybersecurity

ü Networking

ü State Tested Nursing Assistant

ü AdvanceRobotics Manufacturing Systems

ü Agricultural & Diesel Mechanics

ü Auto CollisioTechnology

ü Auto ServicTechnology

ü Building & Grounds Maintenance

ü Building Technologies

ü Computer & Electronic Engineering Tech

ü Cosmetology

ü Criminal Justice

ü Culinary Preparation/ProStart

ü Cybersecurity

ü Diversified Health Occupations (LeveI)

ü Early Childhood Education

ü Heating/Ventilation/AC/Plumbing/Electrical

ü Medical OfficAssistant

ü Patient CarTechnician (Level 2)

ü Welding

Course Descriptions


Course: Advisory

TermAll Year

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 1

This is a one-hour structured study period that is automatically scheduled into every student’s day. 80% of the

time in the courswill be used for learning and using study skills to complete homework, projects, missing assignmentsand prepare for assessments. 20% of the time in the courswill be used to provide supporfor end-

of-coursexamsACT prep, assissociaemotional learning, hone digital citizenship, and set academic goals.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: None

Agribusiness & Production Systems

Course: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

TermAll Year

Grade: 8-12

Credits: 1

This is the first coursithe AgriculturaEducation department. They will examine principles of food science,

natural resource management, animascience & management, plant & horticulturascience, power technology and bioscience. Students will examine the FFA organization and Supervised AgriculturaExperience programs.

Throughout the course, students will develop communication, leadership and businesskills essential to the agriculturindustry.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: FFMembership Dues (Participation covers labs)

Course: Animal Science (Livestock Selection and


TermAll Year

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 1

Students who show interest in production agriculturwill benefit from this intensive class on the management

and selection techniques for modern animal production. Students will learn responsible animal management principleand routine husbandry practices in relation to animal welfare and behavior. Learners will identifand

describe the anatomand physiology of monogastric and ruminant organisms as it applies to nutrition, reproduction and animal health. Learners will alsinvestigate animal genetics and how it impacts principles of

animal improvement, selection and marketing.

This class can be used as a scienccredit.

Prerequisite: Agriculture, Food, and NaturaResources

Fee: FFMembership Dues (Participation covers labs)

CourseNatural Resources

TermAll Year

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 1

Students will learn dendrology and utilize this knowledge to understand forest types, harvesting, and timber

production. Students will learn sustainability, and how timber cutting effects wildlife ecosystems. Students will

also learn to identifwildlife trackand sign, along with ideal habitat for Ohio wildlife animalsThis courswill

also offer many opportunities to explore and morgreatly understand Vinton County’s thriving timber industry.

This class can be used as a scienccredit.

Prerequisite: Agriculture, Food, and NaturaResources

Fee: FFMembership Dues (Participation covers labs)

Course: Structural Engineering

TermAll Year

Grade: 11-12

Credits: 1

Students will apply principles of engineering and design along with an understanding of the propertieand uses of construction materials to buildings and structures used iagriculture, horticulturand natural resourcesThe courswill focus on the study and utilization of wood and lumber, metalsconcrete and masonry, pipes and plumbing, and electricasystems. Students will design, plan build and calculatcosts-benefitanalysis for construction projects while abiding by all building code and safety regulations*Students will have a lab every other day.

Prerequisite: Agriculture, Food, and NaturaResources

2nyear Ag Class

Fee: FFMembership Dues (Participation covers labs)

Course: Structural Engineering II

TermAll Year

Grade: 12

Credits: 1

AdvanceLeveAgricultural MechanicCourse, students take skills learned in Structural Engineering anapply

them to more advanceprojects with more technical understanding. The courswill focus on the study and

utilization of wood and lumber, metalsconcrete and masonry, pipeand plumbing, and electricasystems. Students will design, plan build and calculate costs-benefitanalysis for construction projects while abiding by all

building code and safety regulations.

Prerequisite: Structural Engineering

Fee: FFMembership Dues (Participation covers labs)

Course: Agricultural BusinesManagement

TermAll Year

Grade: 12

Credits: 1

Students will examine elements of business, identify organizationastructures and apply management skillwhile

developing business plans, financial reportand strategigoals for new ventures or existing businesses. Learners will use marketing concepts to evaluate the marketinenvironment and develop a marketing plawith marketing

channels, product approaches, promotion and pricing strategies. Throughout the course, students will apply concepts of ethics and professionalism while implications of business regulations will be identified.

Prerequisite: Structural Engineering

Fee: FFMembership Dues (Participation covers labs)


Course: Keyboarding

Term: Semester

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 0.5

This courswill focus on keyboarding by touch.   Students will learn multitasking.   Students will learn formatting

to manipulate Microsoft Word to format memospersonal business lettersbasic reports, tableand flyers. Students will get an introduction to Microsoft Excel to create basic worksheetsworkbooksand charts. Students

will learn to create presentations with Microsoft PowerPoint and how to use the Internet for educational purposes. This class is a prerequisite for all other computer courses.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: $5.00

Course: Computer Applications I

Term: Semester

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 0.5

This coursian extension of Keyboarding and will include hands-on application and integration of Microsoft Word (letters, reports, tablesetc.), Microsoft Excel (spreadsheets with formulaschartsetc.), Microsoft PowerPoint (automatic slide presentations), Internet use, language skillscomputer security and privacy, computer ethics, intellectual property rights, and more.

Prerequisite: Keyboarding

Fee: $5.00

Course: Computer ApplicationII

Term: Semester

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 0.5

This courswill enable students to become competent in computer skills needed to survive in a technology-based world. It will give them background in computer evolution and future technologywith a briereview of

Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Students will be introduced to graphic design using Microsoft Publisher, requiring digitization of photos. Students will learn public speaking techniqueand about medistoragewhile

creating presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint and Prezi. Students will create multimedia projects using

Microsoft Movie Maker and learn how to usan online classroom and Web 2.0 online learning.

Prerequisite: Computer Applications I

Fee: $5.00

Course: Accounting I CP


Grade: 10-12

Credits: 1

Accounting is the language of business (keeping track of the financial records of a company).  Accounting is a

great career opportunity with lots of income potential.  The complete accounting cyclis learned.  Analyzing, journalizing, posting to ledgerscompleting a work sheet, and preparing financiastatements are learned and

applied by hands-on application.  Using the computer/software is includeas computers are used in “reaworld”

accounting.  This CP class is recommended for anyone intending to study business, management, medicine, law,

etc., or owning your own business.

Prerequisite: Keyboarding

Fee: $15.00

Course: Business Foundations

TermAll Year

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 1

This is the first coursand introduces students to specializations within the Businesand AdministrativServices, Financeand Marketincareer path. Students will obtain knowledgand skillin fundamental businesactivities. They will be instructed on business processes, economics and business relationships. Students will use technology to synthesizand share business information. Employability skills, leadership and communications and personal financial literacy will be addressed.

Students mastering this courscontent will be poised to be successful in further business coursework, including duacredit opportunities. Students will take a state career technicaattainment assessment (WebXam) athend

of the course. Passing the exam will enable students to earn college transfer credit at any Ohio public college/university.

This coursis a one year coursand fulfills the Personal Finance graduation requirement.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: None

Course: Strategic Entrepreneurship

TermAll Year

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 1

Students will use innovation skills to generate ideas for new products and services, evaluate the feasibility of ideas,

and develop a strategy for commercialization. Students will use technology to selectarget markets, profile target

customers, define the ventures mission, and create business plans. Students will takinitiasteps to establish a

business. Students will calculate and forecast costs, break-even, and sales. Establishing brand, setting prices, promoting productsand managing customer relationships will be emphasized.

Prerequisite: Business Foundations or Personal

Financial Management

Fee: None

CourseFundamentals of Business and

Administrative Services

TermAll Year

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 1

This is a one year coursand the first course specific to the Business and Administrative Services career field. It

introduces students to the specializations offered iBusinesand Administrative Services. Students will obtain

fundamental knowledge and skills in general management, human resources management, operations management, business informaticand office management. Students will acquire knowledge of business

operations, business relationships, resource management, process management and financial principles. Students will use technological tooland applications to develop business insights.

Students mastering this courscontent will be poised to be successful in further business coursework, including duacredit opportunities. Students will take a state career technicaattainment assessment (WebXam) athe end

of the course. Passing the exam will enable students to earn college transfer credit at any Ohio public


Prerequisite: Business Foundations

Fee: None

Course: Digital Marketing and Management

TermAll Year

Grade: 11-12

Credits: 1

Students will apply toolsstrategies and processes to communicate digitally with targeted customersThey will

create, implement, and critique online advertising, email marketing, websites, social media, mobile marketingsearch-engine optimization, video or imageand podcasts/webcasts. Students will apply project management

techniques to guide and control digital communications effortsThey will also create and repurposcontent for usin digital environmentsTechnology, employability skills, leadership and communications will be incorporated

in classroom activities.

Students mastering this courscontent will be poised to be successful in further business coursework, including duacredit opportunities. Students will take a state career technicaattainment assessment (WebXam) athe end

of the course. Passing the exam will enable students to earn college transfer credit at any Ohio public college/university.

Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Businesand

Administrative Services

Fee: None

Course: Career Connections

TermAll Year

Grade: 12

Credits: 1

In this course, students investigate how classroom learning translates into marketable skillsThrough hands-on

learning and local business involvement, students will engagicareer-related experiences tacquire basic skills

in various career fieldsThis provides studentwith tangible experiencetbegin career decision making. Students will be allowed early-release or late-arrivato earn worand community service hours. Students will be

required to record hours daily. Supervisors with complete evaluations of students’ work.

Prerequisite: Business Foundations or Personal

Financial Management

Fee: None

English Language Arts

Course: English I CP

TermAll Year

Grade: 9

Credits: 1

Students in English I College Preparatorwill be focusing on skills necessary to pass the AmericaInstitutes for

Research (AIRtestsThis class develops critical reading, writing, and high levels of discussion skills. Ohio’s

Learning Standards for languagespeaking and listening, writing, reading for informational text, and literaturstandards are the framework for this course. This includes extensive writing units that focus on the different type

of essays, modern languagassociation formatting, author’s point of vieand purpose, well developed attention

grabbers and thesis statementsand effectivelwriting five paragraph essays. Vocabulary, syntax, parts of speech,

and grammar will be aon-going part of claswork.  Poems, plays, short stories, and novels will be used to enhance reading comprehension skills. Students will also focus on nonfiction readings and informational text.

Classic textsconstruct connectionsand literary analysis will also be studied

Prerequisite: None

Fee: $5.00

Course: English I

TermAll Year

Grade: 9

Credits: 1

Students in English I will be focusing on skills necessary to pass the AmericaInstitutes for Research (AIR) tests.

Ohio’s Learning Standards for languagespeaking and listeningwriting, reading for informational text, and

literature standards are the framework for this course. This includean extensive writing unit thafocuses on the different type of essays, author’s point of vieand purpose, attention grabbers and thesis statementsand

effectively writing five paragraph essays. Vocabularysyntax, parts of speech, and grammar will be an on-going part of claswork.  Poems, plays, short stories, informational text, nonfiction readingsand novels will be used to

enhance reading comprehension skills.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: $5.00

Course: English I Emphasis

TermAll Year

Grade: 9

Credits: 1

This coursis designed for 9th grade At-Risk /students with IEPs.  Students in English I will be focusing on

writing skills necessary to pass AmericaInstitutes for Research (AIRtestsThis class develops critical reading,

writing, and discussion skills. Ohio’s Learning Standards for languagespeakinand listeningwriting, reading for

informational text, and literature standards are the framework for this course. This includes letter writing, basic research procedures, persuasive essays, writing a good thesis statement, clear paragraphs that supporthesis

statement and topic sentencesVocabulary, syntax, parts of speech, and grammar will be an on-going part of claswork.  Poems, plays, stories and novels will be used to enhance reading skills.  This claswill include an

Intervention SpecialisTeacher to assist with the educational needs of the students participating in this class.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Course: English 9

TermAll Year

Grade: 9

Credits: 1

As set forth in the State Core Curriculum, ninth grade Englisapplies strategies for writing instruction awelas

appreciation and understanding of literary, informationaand functional text. The coursis designed for students with IEPs in EnglisI. Students will develop crucial reading, writing, and discussion skills. Ohios Learning

Standards for languagespeaking and listeningwriting, reading for informationacontext, and literature standards are the framework for the course. The following will be included in their instruction in Writing: letter writing,

basic research procedures, persuasiveexpository and narrative essays. Students will be able to write a good thesis statement, clear paragraphs that support the thesis statement and topic sentences. IReading, students will work

daily on vocabulary, spelling, syntax, parts of speech, and grammar. Poems, plays, storiesand novels will be used to enhance reading skills. A novel or outside reading material will be required and students will turn in reading

logs for that reading material each quarter. These items will give the students the necessary skills to pass the

AmericaInstitutes for Research (AIRtests.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Course: English IHonors

TermAll Year

Grade: 10

Credits: 1

This class is designed for college-bound sophomores who are highly motivateand seechallenge beyond the CP

level.  Students can expect to work independently anat an advanced paceCourse of study includes reading,

interpretingand analyzinvarious genres of literature.  The students will also further develop their writing skills through various writing styles and formats, including the five-paragraph essaand research.  Some emphasis will

be placed on thAIR tests and ACT prep work.  Students may be expecteto complete summer reading in preparation for the courswork.  Placement into this claswill be based on teacherecommendation only.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: $5.00

Course: English IHonors

TermAll Year

Grade: 10

Credits: 1

This class is designed for college-bound sophomores who are highly motivateand seechallenge beyond the CP

level.  Students can expect to work independently anat an advanced paceCourse of study includes reading,

interpretingand analyzinvarious genres of literature.  The students will also further develop their writing skills through various writing styles and formats, including the five-paragraph essaand research.  Some emphasis will

be placed on thAIR tests and ACT prep work.  Students may be expecteto complete summer reading in preparation for the courswork.  Placement into this claswill be based on teacherecommendation only.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: $5.00

Course: English II CP

TermAll Year

Grade: 10

Credits: 1

This class develops critical reading, writing, and discussion skills.  Students must acquire skills necessary for

successful performance in college.  There are both in-clasand out-of-claswriting assignments.  Paperwill be required that examine writers and writing styles.  Poetry, short stories, plays, essays, speechesand novelwill be included in classwork.  Research topics and library projects will be introduced. Students in Care required to read a chosen novel out of clasand compose a paper about that book each grading period.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: $5.00

Course: English II

TermAll Year

Grade: 10

Credits: 1

Students will have some review of grammar (in relation to writing).  Literature, both fiction and nonfiction, will

be the prime area of studyResearch methods will bintroduced.  A novel or outside reading assignment will be required, and students will turn in book logs for that reading material each quarter.  Writing skillwill revolve

around the five-paragraph paper, including those necessary to successfully complete the AIR tests.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: $5.00

Course: English II Emphasis

TermAll Year

Grade: 10

Credits: 1

This coursis designed for 10th grade At-Risk/students with IEPs.  Students will have some review of grammar

(in relation twriting).  Literature, both fiction and nonfiction, will be the prime area of study.  Research methods will be introduced. A novel or outside reading assignment will be required. Writing skillwill revolve around the

five-paragraph paper including those necessary to successfully complete the AIR testsThis claswill include an

Intervention SpecialisTeachetassist with the educational needs of the students participating in this class.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: $5.00

Course: English 10

TermAll Year

Grade: 10

Credits: 1

This coursis designed for students with IEPs in EnglisIIAs set forth in the State Core Curriculum, tenth grade Englisapplies strategies for writing instructioawelaappreciation and understanding of literary,

informationaand functional text. Students will develop crucial reading, writing, and discussion skills. Ohio’s

Learning Standards for languagespeaking and listening, writing, reading for informational text, and literature

standards are the framework for this course. The following will bincluded in the instruction in Writing: letter writing, basic research procedures, persuasiveexpository, and narrative essays. Students will be able to write a

good thesis statement, clear paragraphs that support the thesis statement and topic sentencesIReading, students will work daily on vocabulary, spelling, syntax, parts of speech, and grammar. Poems, plays, storiesand novels will be used to enhance reading skills. A novel or outside reading material will be required and students will submit reading logs for that reading material each quarter. These items will give the students the necessary skills to pasthe AmericaInstitutes for Research (AIRtests.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Course: English IIHonors

TermAll Year

Grade: 11

Credits: 1

This class is designed for college bound juniors who are internally motivated and seechallenges beyond the

college-prep level.  Students will work independently and at an advancepaceThis course of study corresponds

with Ohio’s New Learning Standards for college and career readiness by emphasizing advanced reading,

interpretation, and criticaanalysis of various genres of AmericaLiterature. Honors students will also further

develop their writing and researching skills through multi-genre projects and quarterly essays using a variety of writing styleand formatsEmphasis will be placed on ACT vocabulary and test preparation.  Students may be expected to complete summer reading in preparation for the coursework.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: $5.00

Course: English III CP

TermAll Year

Grade: 11

Credits: 1

These college bound students will interpret and analyze American literature. Students will study how literature

has evolved ovetime, by reflecting on a variety of literary texts including historical documents, novels, plays, short storiesand poetry. A research paper will be required as part of the coursostudy. Students will be

required to complete at least one independent reading project involving a classic American novelWriting skills necessary for success in college will be reinforced. ACand college/career readiness information will be

included. This courswill be more rigorousand will require some outside preparation, including outside reading and writing assignments.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: $5.00

Course: English III

TermAll Year

Grade: 11

Credits: 1

This courswill focus on the study of AmericaLiterature. Skills in grammar, literature, interpretation, and composition will be reinforced. Students will be introduced to basic research skillsand at least one research project will be required during the second nine week grading period. Novelsplays, poetry, short storiesand historical texts will be analyzed as part of the course of study. Career readineswill be emphasized, and occupational information will be included.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: $5.00

Course: English 11

TermAll Year

Grade: 11

Credits: 1

This coursis designed for 11th grade students with IEPsIis intended to address the benchmarks upowhich

the AIR tests are based. Ohio’s Learning Standards of languagespeaking and listeningwriting, reading for

informational text, and literature standards are the framework of this course.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Course: AP English Literature & Composition

TermAll Year

Grade: 12

Credits: 1

AP EnglisLiterature and Composition is an introductory college-leveliterary analysis course. Students cultivate

their understanding of literature through reading ananalyzing texts as they explore concepts like character, setting, structure, perspective, figurative language, and literary analysis in the context of literary works. An AP

examination will be administered to students who choose to take it at the end of the school year, and credit may be awarded by colleges and/or universities.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: $5.00

Course: English ICP

TermAll Year

Grade: 12

Credits: 1

This class helps students hone their critical readinand writing skills for collegeThe reading materiafollows a

historical progression of classicaEnglish literature. There will be an intense examination of poetry, playsstories,

and novels.  Persuasivecomparison, and opinion papers will be designed to help prepare students for future college assignments.  A research paper will be completed. Collegand career readineswill be explored.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: $5.00

Course: English IV

TermAll Year

Grade: 12

Credits: 1

This class is geared toward students who are not sure if college is in theifuture.  Study of grammar is limited to

that which is most helpful in formal speaking and writing situations.   Writing assignments will vary from paragraphs to five paragraph papers.  Focuses will include comparison papers, persuasive papersand opinion

papers.  Writing skillwill include those needed to succeed in different areas of society.  A research project will be required.  The reading material follows a historical progression of classicaEnglish literature.  Plays and novels are

also reaand analyzed.  College and career readineswill be explored.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: $5.00

Course: English 12

TermAll Year

Grade: 12

Credits: 1

This coursis designed for 12th grade students with IEPs. Ohio’s Learning Standards of languagespeaking and

listeningwriting, reading for informational text, and literaturstandards are the framework of this course.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Course: Speech

TermAll Year

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 1

Speecclass focuses on public speaking emphasizing the skills necessary for the presentation of various kinds of

oral activities. Both preparation and delivery of speechewill be developed. The students participate in a variety of discussions, debatesand oral interpretivactivities.  This clasis recommended for college bound students.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: None

Family & ConsumeSciences

CoursePersonal Financial Management

TermAll Year

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 1

This course meets the financial literacy requirement per Senate Bill 311 for graduation. Students cawork

towards earning Ohio Means Jobs Readiness Seal. In this course, studentwill develop personal financial plans for individual personawell-being.  Throughout the course, students will develop financial literacy skills to

provide a basis for responsible citizenship and careesuccess.  Additional topicwill include analyzing services from financial institutions, consumer protection, investment and risk management. Students will be required to

complete one sewing project, which they will have to purchase.  Students will also prepare healthy, economic meal plans and will participate in food labs.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: $10.00

CoursePersonal Financial Management


TermAll Year

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 1

This course meets the financial literacy requirement per Senate Bill 311 for graduation. In this course, students

will develop personal financial plans for individual personawell-being.  Throughout the course, students will develop financial literacy skills to provide a basis for responsible citizenship and career success.  Additional topics

will includanalyzing services from financial institutionsconsumer protection, investment and risk management. Students will be required to complete one sewing project, which they will have to purchase.  Students will also

prepare healthy, economic meal plans and will participate in food labs.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: $10.00

Course: Career and College Readiness

Term: Semester

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 0.5

In this course, students will develop effectivlearning strategies and skills to provide a strong foundation for

successful lifelong learning.  Throughout the course, students will research careers and occupations, review postsecondary admissions qualifications and develop interviewing skillsAdditional topics will includprinciples

and techniques of professionalism, networking, conflict-resolution, negotiation, leadership and entrepreneurship. Students cawork towards earning Ohio Means JobReadiness Seal.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: None

Course: Child Development

Term: Semester

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 0.5

In this course, students will study the principles of child growth, development and behavior.  An emphasis will be

placed on physical, emotionaand cognitive development of a child along witsensorand motor skills.

Additional topicwill include communicable diseases, childhood diseases, immunizationsand theories of child development, learning styles and evaluating childcare services.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: $10.00

CoursePersonal Wellness

Term: Semester

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 0.5

This coursserveas a health credit.  In this course, students will analyze personal physical, emotional, sociaand intellectual growth for a healthy lifestyle.  An emphasis will be placed on lifespawellness by managing stress through relaxation, physicaactivitand sleep. Additional topics will includhuman growth development, mental health management, personal hygienand preparing for emergency medicasituations. Students will participate in food labs where they will access nutrition, evaluate recipeand learn proper food handling techniques.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: $10.00

CoursePersonal Wellnes(Emphasis)

Term: Semester

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 0.5

This coursis designed for 9th - 12th grade students with IEPs/At Risk. This course serves as a health credit. In

this course, studentwill analyze personal physical, emotional, sociaand intellectual growth for a healthy lifestyle. An emphasis will be placed on lifespawellness by managing stress through relaxation, physicaactivity and sleep.

Additional topicwill include human growth development, mental health management, personal hygiene and preparing for emergency medicasituations. Students will participate in food labs where thewilaccess nutrition,

evaluate recipeand learn proper food handling techniques.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: $10.00

CoursePrinciples of Nutrition and Wellness

Term: Semester

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 0.5

In this course, students will use principles of nutrition to ensure a healthy body throughout the lifecycle. An

emphasis will be placed on planning and preparing meals with an understanding of nutrients and their benefits,

portion control and dietary needs.  Additional information will include steroid and supplemental use, body weight and management and the implementation of physicaactivity to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: $12.00

Course: Textile Design, Construction and

Maintenance (Clothing Choices I)

Term: Semester

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 0.5

In this coursstudents wilstudy the visuaappearance of fabric and fashion design.  Students will identify,

analyzand apply production processes and techniques to textiles.  Additional topics will include the maintenance and alterations of textile products, including home interior accessories and garments. Students must complete this

course prior to taking Clothing Choices IIIIIand IV.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: *Students purchase supplies*

Course: Clothing Choices IIIII and IV

Term: Semester

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 0.5

This coursian individualized class designed for intermediate to experiencesewers.  The claswill further

investigate textile studieand wardrobe planning.  Students will master sewing techniqueand pattern design basics.  Students may elect to schedule this class a maximum of 3 semesters.

Prerequisite: Textile Design (Clothing Choices I)

Fee: *Students purchase supplies*

Course: Leadership and Community Engagement

TermAll Year

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 1

In order to take this course, students should have previously taken one of the other courses offered in our

department and member of FCCLA.  In this coursestudents will analyzinterestsaptitudes and skills to prepare

for careers and transition through life.  An emphasis will be placed on work ethics, team building, communication, and leadership skillsAdditional topicwill include technology etiquettand career planning. Additional volunteeservices or community service projects will be required to participate in FCCLA.

Prerequisite: 1 FCCourse + FCCLMember

Fee: $10.00

Fine Arts (Visual Art & Music)

Course: Art I (020012)

TermAll Year

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 1

study of the knowledgeskilland processes foobservingcreating, responding and communicating iways

that are unique to visuaartArt production and the construction of meaning in visuaartworks are

complimentary learning activitiesCourscontent may include meaningful connections between visuaart and other disciplines to enable students to understand art in a broader context.

Prerequisite: None


Course: Art II (020012)

TermAll Year

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 1

study of the knowledgeskilland processes foobservingcreating, responding and communicating iways

that are unique to visuaartArt production and the construction of meaning in visuaartworks are

complimentary learning activitiesCourscontent may include meaningful connections between visuaart and other disciplines to enable students to understand art in a broader context.

Prerequisite: Art I


Course: Art II(020012)

TermAll Year

Grade: 11-12

Credits: 1

study of the knowledgeskilland processes foobservingcreating, responding and communicating iways

that are unique to visuaartArt production and the construction of meaning in visuaartworks are

complimentary learning activitiesCourscontent may include meaningful connections between visuaart and other disciplines to enable students to understand art in a broader context.

Prerequisite: Art II


Course: Art IVAdvanced (029902)

TermAll Year

Grade: 12

Credits: 1

An advanced course of organized subject matter and experiences in artWorks from different cultures and time periods awelas those created by the students are studied. Students must be highly motivated and create a

portfolio and complete culminating project.

Prerequisite: Art III


Course: Band

TermAll Year

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 1

Students involvewill be exposed to a wide rangomusicastylewhile improving skills in performance,

technique, musicality, and musicianship.  The focus of the ensemblis to enhance the educational experiencand teach a lifelong skill through the arts.  Participants will grow as musiciansawelas becomambassadors of the

school districto the community.  This ensemble will enhance students academically in mathematics, history, and science through these subjects’ relationship to music.  Participation in a middle school instrumentaensemblis helpful, but not required. Any student participating in the band program is also required to participate in marching band.

Prerequisite: MS Ensemble or Teacher


Fee: None

Course: Music Theory

TermAll Year

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 1

Students in Music Theory will focus on learning how to read, understand, and evaluate music.  Topics covered

range from note reading, understanding of sound and pitch, rhythm, melody, harmony, and musical notation.

Any student interested in music or playing any instrument will benefit from this course.  Upon completion of this

course, students will understand classicaawelacontemporary music and will be able to compose simple melodieand provide harmonies for those melodies.  Through the study of Music Theory, students learn many of

the AcademiContent Standards for music as set by the Ohio Department of Education.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: $13.00

CourseHistory of Rock

Term: Semester

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 0.5

This coursis designed to replace the traditional High School General Music classes of the past.  As much as

Classical Music” and composers have shaped the facand sounds of music and society, no music has had a

greater impact on the world than Rock and Roll.   Through the study of Rocand Roll, students learn many of the AcademiContent Standards for music as set by the Ohio Department of Education.  As with all subject

areas, music content standards are an important aspect of a student’s education.  This class gives us the

opportunity to discuss art, theatre, math, science, languageworld culture, awelas Music History. We discuss

the influence which Rock and Roll music has haon other styles of music and how world events influenced this music.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Course: Instrumental Methods

Term: Semester

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 0.5

Students enrolled in course have a period scheduled into their day in which they malearn a new instrument,

practice their current instrument, hone their music theory/other musicaskillsand work with online resources

and technology to deliver coursework. Students have the opportunity to study any wind or percussion instrument, switching quarterly throughout the semester. The course is open to grades 9-12. Students have the opportunity to study any wind instrument (flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, horn, trombone, euphonium,

tuba), percussion instruments (mallets, drums etc.), or beginning piano, switching quarterly throughout the

semester. Prior experience in music is preferred (experience in band, choir, orchestra or music theory.)

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Course: Mixed Chorus

TermAll Year

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 1

This singing group will be open to all studentsThis group wilstudy a variety of choral music including classical,

sacred, secular and pop musicThe group will perforfor community functions upon request. They alsare the

core group for the annual high school musical.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Course: Director’s Choir

TermAll Year

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 1

The Director's Choir is a select ensembleAlthough open to all students, the group is made up of only the more

advanced music studentsThe choir performat community functions and sings more difficult music than mixed chorus.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation + Audition

Fee: None

Course: Viking PlayerProduction

Term: Semester

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 0.5 (Crew 0.25)

The Viking Players Production in the spring involves many hours of rehearsals that involves performers, lighting and stagcrews.  These students will be recommended by the director for time spent in rehearsals and activities involved in the spring play production.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation + Audition

Fee: None


CourseFrench I CP

TermAll Year

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 1

Students in English I will be focusing on skills necessary to pass the AmericaInstitutes for Research (AIRtests.

Ohio’s Learning Standards for languagespeaking and listeningwriting, reading for informational text, and

literature standards are the framework for this course. This includean extensive writing unit thafocuses on the different type of essays, author’s point of vieand purpose, attention grabbers and thesis statementsand

effectively writing five paragraph essays. Vocabularysyntax, parts of speech, and grammar will be an on-going part of claswork.  Poems, plays, short stories, informational text, nonfiction readingsand novels will be used to

enhance reading comprehension skills.

Prerequisite: B in English

Fee: None

CourseFrench II CP

TermAll Year

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 1

Students athis levewill be expected to master morcomplex structures of basic French grammar and

vocabulary in order tstrengthen their novice-level proficiency in the language.  Practice and study in reading, writing, speaking and listening skillwill continue. Further study of French culture, geography and the culture of Francophone countries will be included.  Comparative projects will also be assigned.  Typically, half of the claswill be conducted in French and students will be expected to answer basic questions in the target language.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

CourseFrench III CP

TermAll Year

Grade: 11-12

Credits: 1

Students will strive to achieve a novice-intermediate level of proficiencin reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension.  Students will be expected to master even moradvanced levels of French grammar and will be

required to have a sizeable working vocabulary in French.  This coursis designed to introduce the final grammar base of the French language.  Specific French cultural issues, such as French history, art and literature, will be included in the curriculumIaddition, students will research the francophone world as a whole.   A majority of the claswill be conducted in French.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

CourseFrench IV CP

TermAll Year

Grade: 11-12

Credits: 1

Students athis levewill be expected to master advanced concepts of French grammar and will be required to have aextensive vocabulary base.  It is expected thastudents will perfect novice-superior skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension.  Students should be prepared to communicate in French in this clasand complete a large amount of independent reading and writing.  This courswill provide a review of grammar, but will focus largely on literature and current event comprehension and analysis in the target language.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Course: Spanish I CP

TermAll Year

Grade: 9-11

Credits: 1

This coursian introduction to Spanish.  In this first year course, emphasis is placed on mastering fundamental

Spanish vocabulary and grammar in order to achieve novice-level proficiency iwriting, reading, speaking and listening comprehension.  The culturaand geographicaaspects of Spanish-speaking countries will be introduced. Students are expected to complete various projects, daily assignments and participate in the learning process.

Daily diligent study, organization, motivation and preparation are a musfor success.

Prerequisite: B in English

Fee: $22.00

Course: Spanish II CP

TermAll Year

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 1

This coursis a continuation of Spanish I CP: the study of the structure of the languagis continueand

advanced with the mastery of a more diversvocabulary for different situations in order tstrengthen their novice-level proficiency in the language.  There is a constant review of previously mastered materials from

SpanisI.  Morin-depth research of the Spanish-speaking world will be included and the use of targelanguagwill increase. Students will be expected to use the target languagin clasamuch as possible.  This coursis

necessary for thoswho plan to continue their study of Spanish.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: $22.00

Course: Spanish III CP

TermAll Year

Grade: 11-12

Credits: 1

This coursiaaccelerated review and continuation of material introducein Spanish I & II.  Strengthening and

refinement of listening, speakingwriting, and readincomprehension skillare emphasized and advanced grammar is introduced in order tachieve a novice-intermediate level of proficiency.  Structured composition is also developed.  The majority of this claswill be conducted in the targelanguage.  There will be an emphasis on specific cultural issues of the Spanish-speaking world.  Students will be completing various projects that will connect with the Spanish-speaking world around them.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: $22.00

Course: Spanish IV CP

TermAll Year

Grade: 12

Credits: 1

This coursis a continuation of SpanisIIIand IICand is designed to strengtheaural/oral skills, reading

comprehension, advanced composition and conversation in order to perfect novice-intermediate/ high level of proficiency.  There will ban emphasis on the culturand literature of Spain and selected Spanish-speaking

countriearound the world. Iaddition, students will participate in debates and discussions on current events pertaining to Spanish-speaking countries in the target languageWwill also be researching and learning about the geography, historand culture of the Spanish-speaking world. Students will be required to use the target language the majority of the time.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Course: Spanish V CP

TermAll Year

Grade: 12

Credits: 1

This coursis a continuation of SpanisIIIIII, & IV Cand is designed to strengthen aural/oral skills, reading

comprehension, advanced composition and conversation in order to perfect novice-intermediate/ high level of proficiency.  There will ban emphasis on the culturand literature of Spain and selected Spanish-speaking

countries around the world. Iaddition, students will participate in debates and discussions on current events pertaining to Spanish-speaking countries in the target languageWwill also be researching and learning about the

geography, historand culture of the Spanish-speaking world. Students will be required to use the target language the majority of the time.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Information Technology

Course: Information Technology: Computerand thInternet

TermAll Year

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 1

This first coursin the IT career field is designed to provide students with a working knowledge of computer

concepts and essentiaskills necessary for work and communication in today’s society. Students will learn safety,

security, and ethical issues in computing and social networking. Students will also learn about input/output systemscomputer hardware and operating systemsand office applications.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: None

Course: Computer HardwarePC Troubleshooting

and Repair

TermAll Year

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 1

Students will learn to install, repair, and troubleshoot computer hardware systemsThey will perform preventative

maintenance practices and learn techniques for maintaining computer hardware security. Communicatioskilland professionalism in troubleshooting situations will be emphasized.

Prerequisite: Information Technology (before or with)


CourseNetworkingHow thInternet Works

TermAll Year

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 1

Students will install, configure, and troubleshoot network hardware and peripherals. Students will learn networking by exploring the OSI model, network topologiesand cabling. Students will design simple networks,

know how to select physical devices, and be able to configure the equipment. Knowledge and skills relating to the operation and usage of network protocolwill be developed.

Prerequisite: Information Technology (before or with)


CourseNetwork Security: How to Detect and

Avoid being hacked

TermAll Year

Grade: 11-12

Credits: 1

Students will install, configure, and troubleshoot network hardware and peripherals. Students will learn

networking by exploring the OSI model, network topologiesand cabling. Students will design simple networks,

know how to select physical devices, and be able to configure the equipment. Knowledge and skills relating to the operation and usage of network protocolwill be developed.

Prerequisite: Information Technology + Networking or

Computer Hardware


Course: Mobile Applications: Programming

Android Apps

TermAll Year

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 1

Students will learn to program applications for Android phones and tablets awelas basic programming

concepts. Students will also learn the basic Robotics programming by using LegMindstorm kitawelas

writing programs to control robots through the Bluetooth on android cell phones and tabletsThere is no prerequisite for this class, however students should know how to use a computer and have basic keyboarding


Prerequisite: Information Technology + Networking or

Computer Hardware



Course: Algebra I CP

TermAll Year

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 1

This coursis designed for the college-bound student who has satisfactorily completed a pre-algebra course or

equivalent and has a strong foundation in basic skills (multiplying, dividing, fractions, decimalsand integers). Students in Algebra I will focus on skills necessary to pass the state mandated end of year exam. Ohio’s Learning

Standards for (a) number and quantity, (b) algebra(c) functionsand (d) statistics and probability, awelas the

Mathematical Practice Standardsare the framework for this course. Students will deepen and extend their

understanding of linear and exponential relationships by contrasting them with each other and applying linear models to data that exhibit a lineatrend. Students will also engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using

quadratic functions.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Course: Algebra I

TermAll Year

Grade: 9

Credits: 1

This is a non-college preparatorcourse. Students in Algebra I will focus on skills necessary to pass the state

mandated end of year exam. Ohio’s Learning Standards for (a) number and quantity, (b) algebra, (c) functions,

and (d) statistics and probability, awelas the Mathematical Practice Standardsare the framework for this

course. Students will deepen and extend their understanding of linear and exponential relationships by contrasting them with each otheand applying lineamodels to data that exhibit a lineatrend. Students will also engage in

methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Course: Algebra I Emphasis

TermAll Year

Grade: 9

Credits: 1

This coursis designed for 9th grade At-Risstudents/studentwith IEPsStudents in Algebra I will focus on

skills necessary to pass the state mandated end of year exam. Ohio’s Learning Standards for (a) number and

quantity, (b) algebra, (c) functionsand (d) statistics and probability, awelas the Mathematical Practice

Standardsare the framework for this course. This courswill explore simplifying expressionssolving equations, graphing linear equationsand if time allowsstudents will also look at quadratics and exponential functionsThis

claswill include aIntervention SpecialisTeachetassist with the educational needs of the students participating in the class.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Course: EOC Math Remediation

TermAll Year

Grade: 11-12

Credits: 1

This coursis required for those students who scored less than 4 cumulative points on their Algebra I and GeometrEnd of CoursExams but passed their Algebra I and Geometrcourses. The courswill focus on all five Ohio’s Learning Standards for Algebra I and Geometry. Student progress will be assessed frequently and courscontent will be differentiated to student need using the PLATO online learning platformRemediation and re-teaching will be large components of this course.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/non-

competency scores on Algebra/GeometrEOCs

Fee: None

Course: Math 9 (Algebra)

TermAll Year

Grade: 9

Credits: 1

This class is designed for the 9th grade students with IEPsThis coursis intended to address the Ohio’s

Learning Standards on which the state mandated end of year exam is based. Wwill bcovering standards from the Number and Quantitstandards, the Algebra standards, the Functions standardsand the mathematical

processes. This coursincludes simplifying expressionssolving equations, graphing linear equationsand if time allowsstudents will also look at quadratics and exponential functions.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Course: GeometrCP

TermAll Year

Grade: 9-10

Credits: 1

The study of plane figures such as triangle, squaresand other polygons.  The student will use logical thinking while developing new ideaabout plane figures.  A basic understanding of algebraic concepts is necessary for

success in this course.  This course may be taken in conjunction with Algebra ICP (only with teacher recommendation).

Prerequisite: Algebra I + Competency score on EOC

Fee: None

Course: Geometry

TermAll Year

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 1

This coursis designed for those studentwho are not planning to follow the college-preparatormath sequence or are not yet prepared foGeometrCP. Students in Geometrwill focus on skills necessary to pass the state

mandated end of year exam. The Mathematical Practice Standards are the framework for this course. Students will explore complex geometric situations and deepen their explanations of geometric relationships, moving

towards formal mathematicaargumentsTransformations are emphasized.

Prerequisite: Algebra I + Competency score on EOor

completed Algebra I and Algebra EOC Course

Fee: None

Course: Geometry Emphasis

TermAll Year

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 1

This coursidesigned for 10th grade At-Risstudents/studentwith IEPsStudents in Geometrwill focus on

skills necessary to pass the state mandated end of year exam. The Mathematical PracticStandards are the framework for this course. Students will explore complex geometric situationand deepen their explanations of

geometric relationships, moving towards formal mathematicaargumentsTransformations are emphasized. This claswill include aIntervention SpecialisTeachetassiswith the educational needs of the students

participating in this class.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Course: Math 10 (Geometry)

TermAll Year

Grade: 10

Credits: 1

This coursis designed for 10th grade students with IEPsThis coursis designed for those studentwho are not

planning to follow the college-preparatory math sequence or are not yet prepared foGeometrCPThis course

is intended to address Ohio’s Learning Standards on which the state mandated end of year exam is based.  It is

intendeas a further exploration of Number and Quantity standards, the Algebra standards, the Functions standardsand the mathematical processes as welas Measurement and Geometry.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Course: AlgebrII CP

TermAll Year

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 1

Algebra II CP is a college preparatorcourse. Students in Algebra II CP will focus on the following of Ohio’s

Learning Standards: (a) number and quantity, (b) algebra, (c) functionsand (d) statistics and probability, awelas the Mathematical Practice StandardsBuilding on their work with linear, quadratic, and exponential functions,

students will extend their repertoire of functions to include polynomial, rationaexpressionsand radical functions. Students work closelwith expressions that define the functionsand continue to expand and hone

their abilities to model situations and to solve equations, including solving quadratic equations ovethe set of complex numbers and solving exponentiaequations using the properties of logarithmsThis course may be taken

in conjunction with GeometrCP in the sophomoryear with teacher permission.

Prerequisite: Algebra I + competency score on Algebra


Fee: None

Course: AlgebrII

TermAll Year

Grade: 11-12

Credits: 1

Algebra II is appropriate for students who have passed the EOCand have taken Algebra I and Geometry. Aided by the TI-84+ calculatorAlgebra II will pull together concepts from previous math classes and focus oapplying

math to real-life situationsTopics include:  a) basic arithmetic, (b) operations with expressions, (c) solving equations, (d) functions(e) mathematical modeling, (fstatistics, and (g) ACT prep.

Prerequisite: Algebra I, Geometry, & competency score

on math EOCs

Fee: None

Course: Math 1(AlgebrII)

TermAll Year

Grade: 11

Credits: 1

This coursis designed for 11th grade students with IEPsThe courswill concentrate on all five content and

process standardsspecific grade level indicatorand benchmarks will be assessed frequently to find students’ specific areas of weaknesand progress being made. Remediation and re-teaching will be large components of this course.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Course: Math 12

TermAll Year

Grade: 12

Credits: 1

This coursis designed for 12th grade students with IEPsThis courswill concentrate on all five content and

process standardsspecific grade level indicatorand benchmarks will be assessed frequently to find students

specific areas of weaknesand progress being made. Remediation and re-teaching will be large components of this course.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

CoursePersonal Finance

TermAll Year

Grade: 11-12

Credits: 1

In this classtudents will develop an introductory understanding of various termsconceptsand skillrelated to

personal finance in a simulation, role-plaexperiential learning environment called Society X. Topics include:

earning moneybanking and investing; budgetingfood, clothesand entertainment; insurancecars; taxesand

housing. The courscurriculum objectives are based on Ohio’s Financial LiteracStandardsThis coursis

offered aan option for those students who have passed the Math EOCs.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation + competency score on math EOCs

Fee: None

Course: College Math

TermAll Year

Grade: 12

Credits: 1

The content of this coursis designed to ready a college-bound student for an entry-levecollegmath class.

Focus will be on basic math conceptsalgebra and geometry.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation + competency

score on math EOCs

Fee: None

CoursePre-Calculus Honors

TermAll Year

Grade: 11-12

Credits: 1

This is a college preparatory specialized course for advanced mathematics students who plan to major in sciences or mathematics.  Topics include twoand three-dimensionaanalytigeometry; the complex numbesystem and

its connection to vectorsarithmetic and geometric sequenceand series, matrix operations and applications; the naturaexponential and logarithmic functions and their operations and relationship; parametric equations

simulating motion; use of the polar coordinate system and its equations; inverse trigonometric expressions and equations.

Prerequisite: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, +

competency score on matEOCs

Fee: None

Course: AP Calculus AB

TermAll Year

Grade: 12

Credits: 1

An advanced placement coursin calculus is comparable to the first and portions of the second calculus courses

in collegeand universities. The coursexplores limits and continuity, differentiation, and integration. Students taking the AP course maseecredit or placement from these institutions of higher learning, dependent upon

results of the national AP exam given in early Maof each year.   Students will be given percentage grades for this class.

Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus

Fee: None

Course: Transition Math

TermAll Year

Grade: 9-12

Credits: 1

This coursis designed for 9th-12th grade IEP students taking the Ohio Alternate Assessment. Iis intended to

address the benchmarks upon which the Ohio Alternate Assessment (AASCD) is based. The Ohio Extended

Mathematics Academic Content Standards is the framework of this course.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Physical Education

Course: General PE 9

Term: Semester

Grade: 9

Credits: 0.25

This course incorporates fundamental motor skills, body control and balancephysical fitness, leisure sportand

games skillscognitive skillsawelas stress management skillsEvery student is required to take 2 semesters of

PE for high school credit. If a student has participated in 2 seasons of athletics, band, and/or show choir, they

may turn in a PE waiveform to remove PE from theirequired coursload.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: None

Course: General P10

Term: Semester

Grade: 10

Credits: 0.25

This course incorporates fundamental motor skills, body control and balancephysical fitness, leisure sportand

games skillscognitive skillsawelas stress management skillsEvery student is required to take 2 semesters of PE for high school credit. If a student has participated in 2 seasons of athletics, band, and/or show choir, they may turn in a PE waiver forto remove PE from theirequired coursload.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: None

CoursePhysical Fitness

Term: Semester

Grade: 10-12

Credits: 0.5

This courswill revolve around physical fitnessemphasizing strength training and the study of various other

topics that affecfitness and athletic performance.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation + B in PE



Course: Biology I

TermAll Year

Grade: 9

Credits: 1

Students in Biology I Basiwill be focusing on skills necessary to pass the AmericaInstitute of Research (AIR)

test.  Ohio’s Learning Standards for Biology, including the study of cellulastructure, function and processes,

heredity, evolution and the diversity and interdependence of life are the framework for this course.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation + 1-3 on AIR

Fee: $15.00

Course: Biology I Emphasis

TermAll Year

Grade: 9

Credits: 1

This coursis designed for 9th  grade At-Risk/students with IEPs.  Students in Biology I Basic will be focusing on

skills necessary to pass the AmericaInstitute of Research (AIRtest.  Ohio’s Learning Standards for Biology,

including the study of cellulastructure, function and processes, heredity, evolution and the diversity and interdependence of life are the framework for this course.  This claswill include aIntervention SpecialisTeachetassist with the educational needs of the students participating in this class.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/IEP

Fee: $15.00

Course: Integrated Biology 9

TermAll Year

Grade: 9

Credits: 1

This coursis designed for 9th grade students with IEPs.  This is aadapted Basic Biologcourse, which is an

introduction to Biology, the study of living thingsThis courswill addresthe Ohio State Standards Benchmarks for life science. The topics includecelstructurescell processes, geneticsevolution, and ecology.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Course: Biology I CP

TermAll Year

Grade: 9

Credits: 1

This coursis designed for college-bound students who are highly motivated. Students in Biology I College

Preparatorwill be focusing on skills necessary to pass the AmericaInstitute of Research (AIRtest.  Ohio’s

Learning Standards for Biology, including the study of cellulastructure, function and processes, heredity, evolution and the diversity and interdependence of life are the framework for this course.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation + 4-5 on AIR

Fee: $15.00

Course: Biology I Honors

TermAll Year

Grade: 9

Credits: 1

This coursis designed for college-bound students who are highly motivated. Students in Biology I Honors will be focusing on skills necessary to pass the AmericaInstitute of Research (AIRtest.  Ohio’s Learning Standards

for Biology, including the study of cellulastructure, function and processes, heredity, evolution and the diversity and interdependence of lifare the framework for this course.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation + 5 on AIR


CoursePhysical Science

TermAll Year

Grade: 10

Credits: 1

This class is an introduction to basic principles of physicascience.  This courswill address the Ohio State

Standards Benchmarks for physicascience.  The topicwill include forces in nature, laws of motion and matter.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: None

CoursePhysical Science Emphasis

TermAll Year

Grade: 10

Credits: 1

This coursis designed for 10th grade At-Risk/students with IEPs.  This courswill address the Ohio State

Standards Benchmarks for physicascience.  This claswill include aIntervention SpecialisTeacher to assiswith the educational needs of the students participating in this class.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

Course: Integrated Physical Science 10

TermAll Year

Grade: 10

Credits: 1

This coursis designed for 10th grade students with IEPsThis is aadapted Physical Science course, which is an

introduction to basic principles of physicascience. This courswill addresthe Ohio State Standards

Benchmarks for physicascienceThe topicwill include forces of nature, laws of motion and matter.

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation

Fee: None

CoursePhysical Science CP

TermAll Year

Grade: 10

Credits: 1

This class is a more advanced level of the basic principles of physicascience. This courswill addresthe Ohio

State Standards Benchmarks for physicascience.  The topics include forces in nature, laws of motion and matter.

Recommended for college bound students.

Prerequisite: None

Fee: None

CoursePhysical Science Honors

TermAll Year

Grade: 10

Credits: 1

This coursis designed for college-bound students who are highly motivated. This class is a more advanced level

of the basic principles of physicascience.  This courswill address the Ohio State Standards Benchmarks for physicascience.  The topics include forces in nature, laws of motion and matter. Recommended for college bound students.

Prerequisite: TeacheRecommendation

Fee: None

Course: Biology EOC Prep

TermAll Year

Grade: 11-12

Credits: 1

This coursis required for those students who scored a 1 on the Biology I End of CoursExam but passed their


Prerequisite: 1 on BiologEOC Exam

Fee: None

Course: Environmental Studies

TermAll Year

Grade: 11-12

Credits: 1

An introduction to ecologand environmental studies including how soil, water and air quality affect and interact

with living thingand how humans impact the environment.

Prerequisite: None