EdTech on Deck

Edlio is happy to announce that we're starting a new podcast - EdTech on Deck - to help guide you through these uncharted waters. Through thoughtful discussions with educators, practitioners, and parents just like you, we hope to connect educationally-minded people together. We know there is power in a global professional learning network. We hope you'll jump onboard for EdTech on Deck!
Here is Episode One: Let's Talk Library with Amanda Jones!
We want to thank Amanda for taking time out of her very busy schedule to visit with us. She is clearly passionate about what she does and her love for her students and willingness to help educators everywhere was evident. We hope you enjoy the podcast.
Here are lInks to items we referenced in this episode:
- Amanda’s Website - LibrarianJones.com
- Caine’s Arcade - Cardboard Games
- Amanda’s Top Ten Technology Tools for Teacher Librarians
- Doink Greenscreen App
- Google Jamboard
- Microsoft Flip
- Books Amanda is reading now - Building News Literacy, In the Wild Light 
- Roland’s favorite author, Richard Paul Evans
- Edlio Website
We want to thank Amanda for taking time out of her very busy schedule to visit with us. She is clearly passionate about what she does and her love for her students and willingness to help educators everywhere was evident. We hope you enjoyed the podcast.
Show Transcript